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Certified Storied : a designation for Death Fish Storied Seafood that meets essential criteria for transparency regarding the origin of the seafood served and sold.

Death FIsh Storied Seafood Rating Card

Restaurants and retailers that display the Death Fish Storied Seafood Award have met criteria for Certified Death Fish Storied Seafood status. This certified status assures you that the restaurant or retailer knows the story of the seafood you are ordering . Always look for the Death Fish Storied Seafood logo for assurance that you have fresh, locally sourced seafood .

Ratings are based on the level of knowledge the retailer, restaurant, or server has about the seafood you are ordering or consuming. The expertise of the staff at the point of sale is given greater weight in this evaluation.


Storied Seafood

Boat-to-Plate traceability is the result of Storied Seafood, allowing you to make a healthy, sustainable choice in your seafood. This kind of support encourages direct relationships between Working Watermen, restaurants, retailers, and the consumer to bring locally sourced seafood to your table.

Always ask

“Always Ask Where The Seafood Came From”

Knowing where the seafood came from creates the story. This allows you to make better informed choices about your seafood.

Making informed decisions about the seafood you buy and being aware of where your seafood is sourced is a start to supporting fresh local seafood and the working watermen who provide it.

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